In our effort to provide Assumptionknights with a holistic education, we would like Assumptionknights to gain a broad range of experiences and opportunities in developing skills and values that they will need in life.
In Assumption English School, we believe in creating authentic learning experiences for our students. Our Internationalisation programme aims to provide overseas learning platforms to develop our students in the 21st Century through global awareness and cross-cultural skills.
We aim to provide every Assumptionknight with the opportunity to participate in at least one overseas learning programme by the end of their secondary school education in Assumption English School.
Our outbound Cultural Exchange Programmes for Secondary 3 students are:-
- Cultural Exchange Programme with Montfort College, Chiangmai
- Cultural Exchange Programme with Assumption College, Bangkok
- Cultural Exchange Programme with Assumption College, Lampang
- Cultural Exchange and Service Learning Programme in Vietnam
- Cultural Exchange and Service Learning Programme in Cambodia
32 Secondary 3 students and 5 teachers participated in a Cultural and Immersion Programme to Thailand, Bangkok. Both teachers and students enjoyed themselves learning local sport, Muay Thai, as well as making local handicrafts. They also had the opportunity to join our friends from Assumption College, Bangkok for Thai Cooking Practices, Thai Classical Dance, Thai Musical Instruments (Ranad & Khim), Thai Puppets (Hun Krabok) and Making of Kra Thong.
“Our Thai buddies are so generous and helpful! They helped us a lot during the trip when we visited their school during our second and third day. They were also very welcoming. Even though some of the students are not our buddies or not involved in the particular activity, they went the extra mile to help us when we were lost and were very friendly, making us feel comfortable. I would want our guests to feel the same way that I felt when they visit us next time.” - Cassiel Cheong 3/4

Students who went on the Vietnam Cultural and Service Learning Trip came back home feeling grateful and appreciative of every single grain of rice. During their visit, the students had the opportunity to experience rice planting on a paddy field!
“We realised that it was not an easy job! What we did was only a fraction of the rice farmer’s job. This experience had taught us not to waste food because a lot of hard work has gone into providing our one bowl of rice.” - Adawiyah 3/1
For their service learning, the students visited an orphanage and interacted with the children there. They played games, taught them simple English as well as simple handicraft. Though the time spent together was short, the experience there has indeed tug at their heartstrings. Our students bade goodbye with tears swelling in their eyes.

“I chose to go on the Cambodia Cultural Exchange Trip because I saw it as an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of different cultures, and actively serve those who are less fortunate. The most memorable part of the trip was when we played volleyball together with the children in Sambour Primary School. The experience changed my perception of happiness. It taught me to take a step back from what we consider the ‘pressure’ of our busy school lives, to put things into perspective and realise how lucky we really are. My time in Cambodia inspired me to share my experiences with other people and to continue to help those communities in any way I can..”
- Vinoth, 3/2
“After the Cambodia trip, I felt that it was very lucky that can go to Cambodia because we get to experience the life there and get to play with the kids in Sambour Primary School. I learn to appreciate what we have and learn not to waste food though this trip. I feel ashamed that the kids there are appreciative and happy about what they have and I am not, even though I have many things and opportunities that they don’t have.” - Wong Yee Xin, 3/5
Many of those who went on the Cambodia Cultural and Service Learning Trip felt that the main highlight of the trip was the visit to their local school, Sambour Primary School. Our students had the opportunity to teach the primary school students about oral hygiene as well as sharing important information on dengue fever and the preventive measures as well. Prior to the trip, the students held a donation campaign, calling all Assumptionknights to do their part and donate some items for them to bring along to the trip. The trip ended with their visit to the beautiful Angkor Wat and discovering the historical journey of the Khmer Empire.

Inbound Cultural Exchange Programme
Students are also given the opportunity to host our student guests when they visited our school for an exchange programme. This year, Assumption English School is honoured to host guests from
- Hebei Shi Da Fu Zhong (Middle) School, China
- Assumption College, Lampang
- Assumption College, Samutprakarn
- Montfort College, Chiangmai
- Kinda Junior High School, Osaka
- St Joseph Junior High School, Jakarta
Through this Inbound Cultural Exchange Programme, we hope to cultivate the sense of responsibility and ownership of making the hosting experience a meaningful one for themselves and their guests. By being the ambassador of the school and nation, we would like Assumptionknights to demonstrate the use of social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships with their guests.

Our student host interacting with our guest from St Joseph Junior School, Jakarta.

A group photo of our Thailand guests with our Principal, Mr Kwok after their culture presentation during our assembly programme.

A group photo with our guests from Jakarta and Japan to mark the end of their visit.
Secondary 2 Overseas Level Camp
This year, our secondary 2 cohort went across the causeway for their 3D2N level camp!
The camp aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Students are able foster a stronger sense of school identity by building a meaningful and lasting class spirit.
- Students are able to interact, share experiences with the locals, and increase their exposure to other cultural practices.
- Students are able to develop confidence and familiarity with the outdoors as well as appreciation for nature.

Secondary 2NT students

Secondary 2NA students went to Negeri Sembilan and visited Seremban culture Complex. At there, the students get to see the unique structure of the houses and experience eating in the Minang’s house.

Secondary 2E students were welcomed warmly by the local school during their visit to Kota Tinggi. Students also learnt to cook Rempeyek, a local Malay cracker, played the kompang as well as basket weaving at Kampung Teminin.